Tuesday, October 11, 2016


welcome to

bAngER aLerT

we're covering the biggest bangers of this week as curated by ur boy ~christian~

bAngER numBer 1

Vulfpeck - Dean Town

oooh man this one is funky vulfpeck back at it again bringinG you smOoth jams
watch tHem jam away fuNky freSh flow oh yeah. coOl frieNd vibes with the background on this one feel like you hAve a liFe outSide of school oh yeah

bAngER numBer 2

À Bout De Souffle (Breathless) - Soundtrack (1960)

oooooH yeAh this baNgs hard. gOdard outdid himself with this 1 masTerpiece of freNch cinema this the kinD of muSic you listen to at a ~coOl~ ramen resTaurant and just vIbe out and paSs that good good smoOth

bAngER numBer 3

7FO - Forest of Old Cloth 

feEl like I'm makIng kimOnos from scratch but I'm alSo in the upsiDe down from stRanger thiNgs~ noT all baNgers have tO bang YOU KNOW

baNgeR Number 4

Lil Jon - Bend Ova (feat. Tyga)

haha im playing this song is not good but does it bang (no it doesn't dont listen to this)

welcoMe to mEme t0wn

-schoolboy q

Saturday, March 26, 2016

place aesthetics 1: forest park - st. louis, mo

in this series, I will attempt to capture the aesthetic of a certain location through a combination of pictures and poems

this first installment centers around forest park in st. louis, missouri

I went here for a few hours without any direction, trying to capture the things that I found to be beautiful

these poems are unedited from the notebook in which they were written in order to better capture the rawness of the experience


water - falls casually
of human hands those
drops were made -
 natural or man
I remain unsure
all I know is that
    we pool up
    until we fall 


grove falls with the conservation of angular momentum - a physical thing 
the rest stand straight, do I find it a little sad? only sometimes because
I answer my own questions before I correct myself


small scene like famous painting of the gentry by the lakeshore but it's more diverse here we have learned so much as we burst out in spurts of consistency and the children roll in the grass parallel to me. I am the beginning of the world I am unsure if I am the end but I ask you to bathe in me my friend

-fresh soil makes the grove a newborn
-old trees contradict this
-if the soil is fresh but the trees are old
-then it is difficult to name this grove
-it is difficult to name myself as well
-I want to go back into the ground
-I want to have a name
-dirt, but fresh


spherical; metallic bust of possible forefather protects the water which I personally hold dear. does it need protecting some ask. there is often no reply because the fish below converse and snap up speech into little bubbles for us to see but don't get because we are focused on our own rippling reflection


beard like tentacles,
I worry about being
trapped inside a body again


unintentional mission the fathers (padres) we knew would be so proud if we told them the religion no! the spirituality of the world was so clear and some thought we were bullshitting but they were the heathens of our natural-born group. natural buildings pop up as you see fit


beautiful to the eye, empty to the eye, eye to an eye; you see right through. I went to fill it with words but if that isn't enough I will try again until everything becomes absurdly clear and lift off into the sky and make it below us


what a strange
juxtaposition; parking branches
out like unseemly trees,
I want to make this ground
holy again, but people


hay bale sits
hay bale sits
hay bale erodes with the
rest of the earth as
this place someday will
hay bale sits here now
subversion of the trail

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

thoughts on new kanye west

I enjoy it very much tbh. 

The Life of Pablo is a "real friend" of an album.

v good


people sleep on "30 hours" love ~3 stacks~

worst tracks: waves (chance why did u want this); freestyle 4 (honestly an interlude but still shitty)

best tracks: everything else 

fact it's on tidal is a big F U 2 CAPITALISM



enjoy ur listen

nice pic of vintage ~seinfeld~ wearing beautiful yeezy aestheticism (season 1 or 2??? thinkin 1 but not sure pls lmk @ gonbeichan@gmail.com if u know)

good shit fam


Saturday, January 30, 2016

steak n ~shake~ review

steak n shake has many primal vibes when u have no concept of food but later u realize u ate like a capitalist pig and u start to cry also because the nutella milkshake there tasted like plastic

Steak n Shake in St. Louis

please enjoy this picture of a cow that sums up my feelings about steak n shake well

Friday, January 22, 2016

small notice

I do not know how to remove the links in the sidebar. Many apologies.